Monday, November 11, 2013

Download More Themes and Wallpapers from online for Xfactor Quad

By default,  themes and wallpaper download features are hidden or disabled in the quad. To enable this feature you have to change some default build property value.
1. Download buildprop editor Link will be provided below this post.
2. Open the app and look up for theme.
3. Change the value of "" 4rm no to yes and save.
4. Change the value of "" 4rm 0 to 1 and save.
5. Change the value of "" 4rm no to yes.
6. Reboot ur device 4rm the app.


a) Rooted phone (xfactor quad) Click here for rooting process

Step 1: 
Open buid prop editor app
Step 2: Go to edit
Step 3: Change the value of "" from no to yes
Step 4: Change the value of "" from 0 to 1.
Step 5: Change the value of "" from no to yes.
Step 6: Save and reboot it

All done!!!
After rebooting it you can see download button in theme skin app

You can download wallpapers too.

For more tips and queries join us at

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